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Video Archive
August 1, 2020 - To Be Pure - By: Moses 📹
Evening Worship
By: Moses (Video📹)
August 1, 2020 - Church Service - By: Pr. Thomas Gill 📹
Church Service
By: Pr. Thomas Gill (Video📹)
July 31, 2020 - By: Aunty Battachargi 📹
Friday Night Worship
July 29, 2020 - Cheerful - By: Pritika Bachan 📹
July 22, 2020 - Attentive - By: Sajeevani Chetty 📹
Mid-Week Worship
By: Sajeevani Chetty (Video📹)
July 18, 2020 - Day 7 of Creation - By: Pareen Bachan 📹
July 18, 2020 - Church Service - By: Pr. Bledi Leno 📹
Church Service
By: Pr. Bledi Leno (Video📹)
July 15, 2020 - Are we Different? - By: Pritika Bachan 📹
Mid-Week Worship
By: Pritika Bachan (Video📹)
July 11, 2020 - Day 6 of Creation - By: London Paris 📹
July 8, 2020 - Habits and Changes - By: Anish Bachan 📹
Mid-Week Worship
By: Anish Bachan (Video📹)
July 4, 2020 - Day 5 of Creation - By: Aadee & Pearl 📹
July 4, 2020 - Journey of 7 Churches: Laodicea # 7 - By: Pr. Vinod Thamby 📹
July 3, 2020 - Journey of 7 Churches: Philadelphia # 6 - By: Pr. Vinod Thamby 📹
July 2, 2020 - Journey of 7 Churches: Sardis # 5 - By: Pr. Vinod Thamby 📹
July 1, 2020 - Journey of 7 Churches: Thyatira # 4 - By: Pr. Vinod Thamby 📹
June 29, 2020 - Journey of 7 Churches: Pergamos # 3 - By: Pr. Vinod Thamby 📹
June 29, 2020 - Journey of 7 Churches: Smyrna # 2 - By: Pr. Vinod Thamby 📹
June 28, 2020 - Journey of 7 Churches: Ephesus # 1 - By: Pr. Vinod Thamby 📹
June 27, 2020 - Day 4 of Creation - By: Pritika & Anaiah 📹
June 27, 2020 - Church Service - By: Pr. John Samuel 📹
June 26, 2020 - Without Him # 6 - By: Pr. John Samuel 📹
June 25, 2020 - Without Him # 5 - By: Pr. John Samuel 📹
June 24, 2020 - Without Him # 4 - By: Pr. John Samuel 📹
June 23, 2020 - Without Him # 3 - By: Pr. John Samuel 📹
June 22, 2020 - Without Him # 2 - By: Pr. John Samuel 📹
June 21, 2020 - Without Him # 1 - By: Pr. John Samuel 📹
May 9, 2020 - Fruits of the Spirit: Goodness - By: Pareen & Anaiah 📹
May 9, 2020 - Church Service: Giants in your Life - By: Dr. Razia Nishan 📹
Sabbath School (10:00 AM)
Song Service: Deep Bachan
Welcome: Beulah Chetty
Opening Song: Safely Through Another Week (384)
Opening Prayer: Guest
Feature Talk: Dr. Razia Nishan
Mission Spotlight: Amit Bachan
Mission Story: Aman Bachan
Lesson Study: Pr. Samuel John (English)
Lesson Study: Pr. Rajan Masih (Hindi)
Closing Song: Deep Bachan
Closing Prayer: Pr. Vinod Thamby
Divine Service (11:30 AM)
Invocation: Dr. Razia Nishan
Welcome: Pr. Akram Nishan
Opening Song: My Jesus I Love Thee (321)
Opening Prayer: Pr. Vinod Thamby
Children Story: Rose Masih
Tithe & Offering: Bhasker Chetty
Special Song: Yousaf Rahi
Scripture Reading: Moses Nishan
Sermon: Pr. Simon Pandey (Video📹)
Closing Song: Wonderful Words of Live (286)
Closing Prayer: Pr. Daniel Masih
May 8, 2020 - Fruits of the Spirit: Kindness - By: Sajeevani & Ashu 📹
May 7, 2020 - Fruits of the Spirit: Patience - By: Pr. Rajan Masih 📹
May 6, 2020 - Fruits of the Spirit: Peace - By: Aadee & Pearl Bachan 📹
May 5, 2020 - Fruits of the Spirit: Joy - By: Anish & Pritika Bachan 📹
May 4, 2020 - Fruits of the Spirit: Love - By: Moses Nishan 📹
May 3, 2020 - Fruits of the Spirit (Introduction) - By: Pr. Daniel Masih 📹
May 2, 2020 - Evening Worship By: Pr. Rajan Masih 📹
Evening Worship
By: Pr. Rajan Masih (Video📹)
April 25, 2020 - Evening Worship - By: Dr. Nazir Masih 📹
April 25, 2020 - Divine Service: Deception in Last Days - By: Pr. John Daniel 📹
Sabbath School (10:00 AM)
Song Service: Nirmala Samuel
Welcome: Rose Masih
Opening Song: All The Way My Savior Leads Me (516)
Opening Prayer: Shaveta Massey
Feature Talk: Moses Nishan
Mission Spotlight: Amit Bachan
Mission Story: Rose Masih
Lesson Study: Pr. John Samuel (English)
Lesson Study: Pr. Rajan Masih (Hindi)
Closing Song: Softly & Tenderly (287)
Closing Prayer: Neha Masih
Divine Service (11:30 AM)
Invocation: Pr. John Daniel
Welcome: Pr. Akram Nishan
Opening Song: Sweet Hour of Prayer (478)
Opening Prayer: Pr. Vinod Thamby
Children Story: Sajeevani Chetty
Tithe & Offering: Naeem Sandhu
Scripture Reading: II Thessalonians 2:3
Special Song: Taskeen Injeeli
Sermon: Pr. John Daniel (Video📹)
Closing Song: Lead Me To Calvary (317)
Closing Prayer: Pr. John Daniel
April 23, 2020 - Week of Prayer # 6 - By: Pr. John Daniel 📹
April 22, 2020 - Week of Prayer # 5 - By: Pr. John Daniel 📹
April 21, 2020 - Week of Prayer # 4 - By: Pr. John Daniel 📹
April 20, 2020 - Week of Prayer # 3 - By: Pr. John Daniel 📹
April 19, 2020 - Week of Prayer # 2 - By: Pr. John Daniel 📹
April 18, 2020 - Week of Prayer # 1 - By: Pr. John Daniel 📹
April 18, 2020 - Church Service (Sermon: Pr. Parkash Mali) 📹
Sabbath School (10:00 AM)
Song Service: Children
Welcome: Beulah Chetty
Opening Song: Take The Name of Jesus (474)
Opening Prayer: Moses Nishan
Feature Talk: Parveen Massey
Mission Spotlight: Amit Bachan
Mission Story: Pareen Bachan (Video📹)
Lesson Study: Pr. Akram Nishan
Closing Song: Give Me The Bible (272)
Closing Prayer: Bhasker Chetty
Divine Service (11:30 AM)
Welcome: Pr. Daniel Masih
Opening Song: I Will Sing of Jesus Love (183)
Opening Prayer: Pr. Daniel Masih
Children Story: Mrs. Parkash Mali (Video📹)
Tithe & Offering: Pr. Akram Nishan
Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:67
Special Song: Venus Calla
Sermon: Pr. Parkash Mali (Video📹)
Closing Song: Rock of Ages (300)
Closing Prayer: Pr. Daniel Masih
April 15, 2020 - Evening Worship (Pritika Bachan) 📹
Topic: Reverence - By Pritika Bachan
April 11, 2020 - Evening Worship (Anish Bachan) 📹
April 11, 2020 - Church Service (Sermon: Amit Bachan) 📹
Sabbath School (10:00 AM)
Song Service: Deep Bachan
Welcome: Christina Bachan
Opening Song: Give Me The Bible (272)
Opening Prayer: Sajeevani Chetty
Mission Spotlight: Amit Bachan
Mission Story: Alfrida Khokher
Lesson Study: Aman Bachan
Closing Song: Tell me the story of Jesus (152)
Closing Prayer: Shashi Kala
Divine Service (11:30 AM)
Welcome: Beulah Chetty
Opening Song: Turn your eyes upon Jesus (290)
Opening Prayer: Razia Nishan
Children Story: Christina Bachan
Tithe & Offering: Neha & Mrs. Daniel
Scripture Reading: Psalm 9:1
Special Song: Pareen & Anaiah
Sermon: Amit Bachan (Gratitude of Granted) (Video📹)
Closing Song: In Times Like These (593)
Closing Prayer: Pr. Daniel Masih
April 4, 2020 - Time to Look Up (Pr. John Samuel) 📹
Speaker: Pr. John Samuel (Time to Look Up) (Video📹)
April 2, 2020 - Steps to Stop Corona Virus (Dr. Eddie Ramirez) 📹
Speaker: Dr. Eddie Ramirez (Video📹)
March 28, 2020 - Pr. Vinod Thamby 📹
Speaker: Pr. Vinod Thamby (Video📹)
March 21, 2020 - Distraction (Sermon By: Anish Bachan) 📹
Topic: Distraction
Speaker: Anish Bachan (Video📹)