Our Pastors

Pr. Daniel Masih

Senior Church Pastor 

☎ (516) 508-3732 Ext. 771

Email ✉ : danielmmasih@yahoo.com 

Please contact us for Bible Studies in Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu & English. We are always ready to serve our community and spreading God's message as its written in Bible.

Mark 16:15 NKJV

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'”

Pr. Akram Nishan

Assistant Church Pastor 

☎ (516) 508-3732 Ext. 772

Email ✉ : arnishan2000@yahoo.comDepartments:  * Men's Ministry  * Stewardship

Jesus is coming soon, lets get ready to receive Him. Do not get deceived by Satan in this world. Contact me for Bible study in Punjabi, Urdu & English.

Colossians 3:2 NKJV

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.